"To sing, to laugh, to dream, to walk in my own way and be alone.  Free with an eye to see things as they are. To say, my soul, be satisfied with with flowers, with fruit, with weeds even, but gather them in the one garden you may call your own." ~ Cyrano Debergerac
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Tuesday, November 27, 2001

The house is quiet, I have a few moments to myself, only a few. I have already heard mattress' squeak anda few little waking up coughs from the boys room. I hear Lyra's little belll rimging, so she is doing her early morning check the cage to see if any opnimgs have turned up. When we let her roam a bit she giggles and chuckles as she burrows into laundry, over and under our laps, playing hide and seek.
We are painting our first mural at the day care today. I'll take a before and after picture. I can't wait. Too bad I have to do business stuff in the office while they start.
The realtionship with my in laws is a bit strained lately. I wish the sate was a little quicker about this, so we could get open and them off my back.
I should go make my tea and get moving have a good day everyone!
posted by Joce on 11/27/2001 07:16:24 AM ** link to me**

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Sunday, November 25, 2001

I have to much to do, I don't even have time to write about it much lately.

Last night, my family got together to have dinner at the Roadhouse. I think it's like Outback Steakhouse, but the steak wasn't so good.

This is a big deal, I don't remember all six children going anywhere together. Five of us, plus the parents, went to Disney for week when I was sixteen. Ally hadn'e even been born yet. By the time she came around, I was on my way out of the house followed by my sisters.

My younger brother, by eight years, has enlisted in the Air Force. He enlisted this summer. I am very proud of him. I also can not believe my "little man" is going to be a soldier. Dinner last night was a farewell get together, jusy my parents, brothers and sisters and spouses. We had a wonderful time, lots of laughter, gentle, mostly, teasing. Sharing and giggling. Posing with the quart sized drink my sister ordered. We had a annoucement made to my brother, farewell, we love you blah blah. i can't help thinking that he is leaving forever. Nothing terrible, just knowing, when ever he comes home, he will never be the same. I know we all change over the years, but to have it so obvious. Knowing exactly when it will happen. I know he'll be successful, I know he make it. I just losing my first "baby". I took him under my wing as soon as I was allowed to hold him unattended. I changed his diaper, fed him, played with him, took him on walks, loved the shit out of him. He was my little buddy. While he was still at home I could still look at him dotingly as my little brother, even as he was obviously a man. This will be our first christmas without the whole family there. It scares me.
posted by Joce on 11/25/2001 02:55:41 PM ** link to me**

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Thursday, November 22, 2001

I hope your thanks giving left you as thankful and satisfied as this little boy.
posted by Joce on 11/22/2001 10:14:19 PM ** link to me**

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Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Zeb just came to me crying with a toy stuck in his mouth. It was stuck too, it took several tries to get it out. Boys

Lyra, our ferret is doing very well. We got her collar on last night. Tonight, I need to trim her nails. She is not going to like it.

Today was a half day at school. We didn't realize it until the school called us to come pick up our chld. Duh. It interrupted me about to clean the litterbox. Damn,;).

My office is almost done. It's beautiful. I'll move in later this week. Finally, Now I don't have to worry about the kids spilling crap on my files.
posted by Joce on 11/14/2001 01:57:59 PM ** link to me**

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Sunday, November 11, 2001

So, this week I stopped taking prozac and then after a few days started serezone. It is supposed to help the same way prozac does without the heavy side effects. Of course I started the new meds and came down with a terrible sinus cold/flu whatever. I am not sure what all I did this week except have my husband take care of me.
He's a saint sometimes.

We have a new addition to our family. Her name is Lyra and she is a six week old ferret. She is the sweetest thing. Hopefully she'll stay that way if we limit the time the boys are exposed to her. I brought her cage out to the living room so they could visit and they ran stuff against her cage until she was a bit agitated. She snuggled nicely with me after I put her back in our room and she had some peace. I think that will be her permanent home for awhile. She has an almost white under coat with buff/tan markings on her face and dark brown ends on her fur. She is so pretty. She uses her litter box every time, so far and likes her food and water bottle. Tonight I will attempt her first bath and nail clipping. Hopefully it won't be too traumatic for either of us.
Tomorrow we have an orientation/training for our staff. Wish me luck.
posted by Joce on 11/11/2001 06:29:59 PM ** link to me**

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Tuesday, November 06, 2001

It' been a while again. I had a get together for my husband's 30th birthday Saturday, hosted bny my best friend who is supposed to be working on getting her blog running. She did an awesome cake. We had a good time, I gained a couple pounds. Something about wine and snack food. Maybe Deb is right and I should think of drinking more *giggle*. Sunday I spent painting our office, kitchen,two bathrooms and one classroom. I have reached my pain limits by typing this much. Maybe when karate is over I can take some drugs and blog some more.
posted by Joce on 11/6/2001 05:04:51 PM ** link to me**

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Thursday, November 01, 2001

I must admit I am prude when it comes to fart humor. It's my mother's fault, she is also and for some reason, that stuck with me, while I'll talk sex with anyone. As I was saying, I am a prude, in fact even saying fart makes me almost blush. Funny, no other four letter words bother me. Today, my sons were introduced to the technological wonder of the "whoope cushion". G3, my husband, took G4 (six) to the dollar store to buy presents for Zeb's birthday. The big hit was the farting balloon. I usually give a stern but amused grin to their bodily function amuswment, but I have to admit, I was ROTFL when they tried out the whoopee cushion. The shrieks of joy may cause the police to show up momentarily. Even Indigo was thoroughly amused, ( that shouldn't surprise me, he giggles when he rips a loud one naturally). I wish I had a digital camara. They laughed so loud and hard I am surprised they didn't puke. I can't wait until they take it to the Grammy and Gramma's houses.
posted by Joce on 11/1/2001 06:53:35 PM ** link to me**

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"For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know.  The day will come when I will die.  So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time.  I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze." - Richard Bode, first you have to row a little boat.
